Wednesday, October 6, 2021

 Today we read a book called I Am an Apple written by Jean Marzollo and illustrated by Judith Moffatt. In this book, we learned the life cycle of an apple and how they develop in each stage. During our literacy and fine motor activity, we did a worksheet about the letter 'G.' We practiced writing the uppercase and lowercase 'G,' colored the letter G in, found pictures that start with the letter 'G,' and traced over a dotted line. Then we used our math and cognition skills to make apples in our apple number baskets. We made our apples by stamping our fingers to count them as we put them into our baskets. For our sensory and science activity, we looked into our apple sensory bin. It was filled with squishy apples and grass.

~Important Upcoming Dates~

We will have a staff meeting next Monday, October 11th at 4pm.

Our family fun night will be on Wednesday, October 13th from 4:30pm to 6pm.

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