Friday, January 31, 2020

What a fun Friday we had! We enjoyed listening to the book It's Mine by Gina and Mercer Mayer. During our groups we made hearts with play-dough. In another group we had paper hearts and we crumbled them up, then opened them and apologized to them. We then explained that even though we apologized they didn't go back exactly how they were before. So, sometimes we say things or do things that hurt someones heart but saying sorry doesn't always make it better. Over all we had a great  day!

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Today, we read Marvin Gets MAD! by Joseph Theobald, about a sheep who is mad about his friend eating his apple while he was sleeping! In one group, we mirrored our friend's facial expressions, being silly, angry, and happy! In another group, we made shaving cream faces! Next, we listened to a read aloud book called, Should I Share My Ice Cream? by Mo Williams. Then, we did an activity called, Pass the Ice Cream, where we used construction paper rolled like an ice cream cone to pass a ball with our friends! What a fun day!

Theme: Friendship and Feelings
Number: 17
Letter: Rr

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

At circle time, we read llama llama time to share by Anna Downey. In one group, we discussed polite and not polite things as well as nice and not nice things. In another group, we played in the sensory room, building block towers, watching the bubble tube, playing with rubber spirals, and more! In our last group, we had a free drawing session with our friends! We also played in the classroom a lot today and made an obstacle course in the motor room!

Theme: Friendships and Feelings
Number: 17
Letter: Rr

Don't forget: Tomorrow is Warm-Up Wednesday! 
Start warming up for the big game by wearing your warm-up clothes!
(Athletic-wear, sweat suits, etc.)