Thursday, July 21, 2016

New Zealand was our focus today. At circle time, we read a booklet about the islands. Our first small group worked with mountains and sorted them by size. In our second small group, we explored volcanoes by creating colorful eruptions with baking soda and vinegar. As our whole group activity, we identified the letter "I" for island, and then used glue and sand to cover the letters. We had a great Thursday! 

*Friendly Reminders*

July 26th - Field Trip to City Pool @ 3:00 p.m. 
*If you are able to transport children, please sign up by the front window! We will not be able to take this trip if we don't have parents/families to drive!*

July 28th - CLC Water Day @ 9:00 a.m.
August 1st - CLC CLOSED
August 2nd - CLC CLOSED
August 3rd - CLC CLOSED
August 4th - CLC CLOSED and Family Orientation
August 5th - CLC CLOSED


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