Wednesday, May 16, 2018

During circle time, we read In the Tall, Tall Grass. Before we played, we got to see two of our teacher's pet turtles and we even got Rose, the hamster, out for a couple minutes! For our first small group activity, we worked on our oral skills to try to catch flies like frogs, using party horns as long tongues. As our second activity, we sorted through pictures of turtles and put them in categories of either big or small. Then, all together, we made our own pond scenes. First, we drew pictures of what we wanted around our ponds. Next, we glued on green paper, and then we used scissors to make cuts to create tall grass. It was a wonderful Wednesday! 

Friendly Reminders

Friday, May 18th - CLC Stepping Up End of Year Celebration @ 6-7:30PM
(Camdenton VFW)

Friday, May 25th - CLC Closes @ 2:30PM
(Picnic at Camdenton Park -- Please sign up by 5/23/18)

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