Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Today for circle time we read What Friends Are For. We also talked about what sound our letter of the week made! The letter of the week is B and it makes the sound ba! If you want to keep the kiddos on their toes, you can quiz them at home! For our small groups we played an emotion toss game and talked about which emotion our bean bag landed in. We also matched different emotions together using flash cards. Lastly, we made hand prints with different colors and mixed it with our friends to see what other colors we could make!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Today for circle time we read Winnie the Pooh's Friendship Day. We talked about what we would do if we had a friendship day and how we liked it when all of our friends are able to hang out! For our small groups we made friendship bracelets and then put our fingerprints on a tree! We talked about how unique our fingerprints are, just like we are. For our large group we made a feeling's book. Inside our book had four pages with pictures teaching us what is looks like to feel scared, happy, sad, and surprised!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Today we had a great start to leaning about our friends and different emotions! For circle time we read May Is Sad.  For our small groups we played with magnet bottles and counted how many friends we caught with a magnet. We also made a chart and talked about what our friends can do, what they have, and how they act! For our large group we made different emotion faces in playdoh!

Friday, August 26, 2016

To enjoy the beautiful weather this morning, we had circle time outside. We talked about the calendar and counted to 26! Pete the Cat: The Wheels on the Bus was the book we read, as we sat on our mats.  For our first small group, we matched colored pom-poms to different colored school bus wheels. We made school buses with the letters of our names for our second small group activity. Then, for our whole group, we painted bubble wrap buses, popping them and listening to the sounds as we used paintbrushes on the material! We had a fun Friday!

Friendly Reminders

September 5th - CLC CLOSED for Labor Day

September 12th - CLC CLOSES @ 4:00 for Staff Meeting

Thursday, August 25, 2016

If You Take a Mouse to School was our book at circle time today. We enjoyed predicting what was going to happen next and pointed out things we recognized in the story! For our first small group activity, we stacked Legos on numbered school buses as we counted. We explored the sensory table and searched for posted school supplies as an I Spy game for our second small group. Then for our whole group activity, we worked on letter recognition, prewriting skills, and formation of our names. We had a wonderful Thursday!

Friendly Reminders

September 5th - CLC CLOSED for Labor Day

September 12th - CLC CLOSES @ 4:00 for Staff Meeting

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Today we learned all about school busses! During circle time we read all about the school busses and how they picked us up from home and brought us to school and once school is over the school bus takes us back home! For our small groups we counted how many friends got on the school bus and practiced cutting our yellow school bus paper and made a sensory bottle! For our large group we practiced our ABC's around the school bus!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Continuing our back to school theme, during circle time we read Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes. For our first small group, we sorted objects from our classroom by color. Our second small group activity involved matching colored shoes to our cats on the light table. We even sang songs from our book! For our third small group, we matched letters and made puzzles with our names. We had a terrific Tuesday!

Friendly Reminders

September 5th - CLC Closed for Labor Day
September 12th - CLC Closes @ 4:00 for Staff Meeting