Friday, March 27, 2015

Today, we read The Night Before Easter! We mixed liquid water color and shaving cream and then rolled paper eggs in it. They eggs didn't take the color very well, so we put our eggs in a container, squirted them with liquid water color, and shook them. Real eggs and food coloring may have worked better. It was a new experiment and I didn't want to stain your children :)  Next, we made patterns with pictures of bunnies, chicks, and eggs and then we sorted them. Ask your children what we made patterns with to see if they remember.We also climbed on the motor blocks, played in the motor room, and hopped like bunnies! Have a great spring break! See you April 6th!

Quick clip of H's dance moves!!!

"What comes next egg or chick?"

"Egg!" Way to go B!

Finding all the bunnies!

Hopping like bunnies!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Today, we read Runaway Bunny and talked about the big mama bunny and little baby bunny. Ask your kids who was in the book to see if they remember. We played pin the tail on the bunny, talking about the colors of the bunnies and counting them. Ask your kids how many bunnies they counted. They might have counted up to 14! We also painted paper eggs using potato mashers that were made different prints! Later, we practiced our fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination by putting pipe cleaners through small holes in a lid.

Such nice friends!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Today, we read Pat the Bunny and follow the actions along with the book! It was SO silly! Ask your child to show they what they did with Pat the Bunny to see if they remember. If they clap their hands, lean forward, sit up tall, touch their nose, wiggle or make a silly sound then they remember! Next, we explored play dough with easter eggs. We put the play dough inside the egg, rolled our egg on the play dough, made circle prints with the opened egg, and pushed the play dough on the outside of the egg. We went on an egg hunt, finding colorful eggs all around the classroom! Later, we tore and stuck paper to contact paper. We also rode on tricycles, went down the slide and drew with chalk on the playground! We had such a fun day!

Pat the Bunny says touch your nose! 
L thinks that everyone needs doctor shots in the head.

Egg hunting! They were so quick it was hard to get a clear picture. 
"I got some!"

B found one on the door handle!

Working hard on her artwork!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Today, we read Pooh's Easter Egg Basket and labeled the colors in the story. In groups, we explored eggs that had different textures. The eggs were bumpy, gritty, soft, furry, and spiky. In our other group, we opened and stacked eggs. Next, we had an egg toss! Later, we used tongs to transfer eggs from one carton to another.